Bizol Green Oil

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  • Untitled design 2021 10 23T140816.720

    Bizol Green Oil 0W-20 is German engineers have developed an effective engine oil with a top-tier synthetic formulation for optimal engine protection for Hybrid vehicles and vehicles equipped with automatic Start-stop systems. This engine oil is specially optimized for urban traffic when most engine wear occurs because of frequent start-stops, rapid acceleration, and short-haul trips. This formulation provides an extra layer of protection for turbocharged and supercharged gasoline and diesel engines equipped with PDF and TWC. BIZOL engine oils are continuously improved to reduce maintenance costs, repair costs, and to increase the lifetime of your car according to strict requirements of the German automotive indus

  • parts generation bangladesh 92 optimized

    It provides optimum protection for turbochargers and is compatible with new exhaust after-treatment systems (such as DPF). The COMB Lubricous and 2D surface gel technology provide for better lubricity and a constant adhesion of the lubrication film on all engine parts. The Ox Shield technology allows for higher oxidation stability and ensures protection during prolonged oil change intervals.

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